Best Triple Stroller 2019 – Comparison & Guide

Best Triple StrollerIf you are reading this article right now and you are looking for the best triple stroller, it must be that you are expecting triplets, or you have three little ones close in age.

For many parents, the thought that one day they would be shopping for a triple stroller may have never crossed their minds, but here we are.

It’s a great feeling always, but the excitement can be cut short by the pain that accompanies shopping for the right stroller.

A triple could be the one thing that makes life a lot easier for you and your three little ones, doesn’t it make a whole lot of sense if you could have all three of them on a single stroller while going for a jog or a quick errand to the mall?

What is a triple stroller?

A triple stroller is a stroller that can hold 3 children at once. It can be called a triplet stroller also or a treble stroller.

What should be considered when shopping for a triple stroller?

The considerations are mostly similar for parents with three little ones, whether they are triplets, twins and a younger or older one, or three little ones with little or close gaps in their ages.

Consideration 1: Age

The first and most obvious consideration is age. If you have triplets then you may want a certain type of triple stroller and if you have 3 little ones close in age, then another type may be more suitable.

Consideration 2: Lifestyle

Generally, you will have to put into consideration your lifestyle and what type of stroller will make your situation more convenient.

Consideration 3: Cleaning

Considering a triple stroller that is easy to clean is definitely a great first step, you do not want to have to go through a lot of stress cleaning a stroller. The fact is that your little will spill something a lot of times, and in those case, you just might need to do some serious cleaning.

Consideration 4: Maneuverability

Keep an eye out for a triple stroller that is easy to maneuver, the last thing you need is pushing a stroller that won’t go exactly where you want it to go. A stroller with great maneuverability is always the best and reduces stress.

Consideration 5: Configuration

Seating arrangement or configuration is also a feature that you need to look out for, especially if your three little ones have a close age gap. Also, if say, you had a little one before the twins, it will serve you well to purchase a triple stroller suited to your needs.

Consideration 6: Design

Choosing a triple stroller based on design will save you a lot of stress. Deciding whether to go for an in-line triple stroller, a tandem stroller, or a side-by-side stroller all boils down to your personal situation. They all come with their pros and cons.

Now let’s jump right into the main business of the day, which is to help you chose the best triple stroller.

The next section puts the spotlights on the features that make each stroller unique and also to help you make better-informed decisions when shopping for a triple stroller.


Triple Stroller Reviews

 Foundations Trio Sport Tandem Stroller

Best Triple StrollerIf you are particular about purchasing a tandem trio stroller, then you really should add the Foundation Trio Sport Tandem Stroller.

It is truly designed to give your babies ultimate comfort.

There are several things that we love about this triple stroller, one is that the seats recline separately, giving you the freedom to give each child the attention that it needs at each moment.

Another thing we like about the Trio Sport Tandem is that it is particular about keeping your kids safe and secure, with the five-point harness.

There is also a U. Protection window that lets you keep an eye of your little ones.

The stroller is quite heavy, weighing around 54 pounds, but the upside is that is folds nicely into a compact size allowing you to toss it in the trunk.


  • Fantastic build quality
  • Practical features
  • The seats recline separately
  • It folds down easily


  • Maneuverability is an issue

Best Triple Stroller

Joovy Big Caboose Graphite Stand-On Triple Stroller

Best Triple StrollerThe Joovy Big Caboose Stand-On Stroller is a great option for twins and a toddler.

This triple stroller offers a combination of a standing platform (built-in), and a rear bench, making it a great choice if you have a toddler.

The Big Caboose is arguably one of the most versatile triple strollers that you can find on the market, it comes with two full-size seats with universal car seat adapters, which offer greater convenience when transitioning from your car to the stroller.

Another thing that we think might catch your attention is the option of converting the rear bench into full-size one that you can recline.

You definitely will come to appreciate it’s all wheels suspension that guarantees a smooth ride.


  • Provides smooth rides
  • It is versatile with multiple configurations
  • Fits through narrow doorways and hallways
  • Great build quality


  • It is quite heavy and you might need help getting it in and out of your car

Best Triple Stroller

Child Craft Sport Multi-Child Triple Stroller

Best Triple StrollerThe Child Craft Sport Multi-Child Triple Stroller is great for a quick stroll to the mall or visiting the park.

If you have triplets, then you have another decent and reasonably priced triple stroller to add to your list.

For its price, this triple stroller offers some fantastic features, making g it a great value stroller.

One feature that we find really impressive and thoughtful is the SafeBreak system that automatically engages the brake the moment your grip is released, so you do not have to worry about forgetting to secure the stroller.

Each of your infants will enjoy a good view, thanks to the stadium style seating. You also get enough storage to stash all the extra stuff.


  • SafeBrake system
  • It is Sturdy and robust
  • It is well cushioned and comfortable
  • It is very easy to maneuver
  • It is reasonably priced
  • Great value


  • The handle brakes are not convenient

Best Triple Stroller

2018 UPPAbaby Vista

Best Triple StrollerThe UPPAbaby Vista is definitely a great choice for a growing family.

The idea of getting a stroller that grows with your family from your first child to your third is definitely amazing.

It is most suitable for kids with an age gap, so if you have triplets this stroller might not be the best one for you.

This stroller is fantastic in many ways including its versatility, premium quality materials, and it folds into a compact size that is easy to transport.

It comes fitted reversible reclining seats and a bassinet, you can also add an extra bassinet and a ride-along board if the need arises.

The Vista also features large wheels which make it a lot easy to maneuver, which is great for parents who like to take long walks.


  • Premium quality design and construction
  • High-quality materials
  • Extremely great maneuverability
  • Multiple seating options and expandability


  • The Vista is quite heavy
  • May not be suitable for people with smaller budgets.

Best Triple Stroller



Radio Flyer 3333

Best Triple StrollerIf you aren’t looking to spend a lot of money on a stroller, or you live on a farm and you really just need one to move your kids, or you are out for a fun time with your toddlers at the park, the Radio Flyer Wagon might be just what you need.

It is definitely not for everyone, but it will get the job of moving your toddlers from point A to point B.

Of course it is without all the features that you will find on actual triple strollers, and it is not built to last as long as standard triple strollers.

Cleaning this wagon is very easy, especially when your toddlers have made a mess inside it. There is a canopy to provide your kids with a shade on sunny days.

It has three seats, an ice pack attachment, and cup holders.

It is not suitable for kids below 9 months.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Stores away easily and nicely
  • It is easy to clean


  • It is not easy maneuver
  • Prone to wear and tear

Best Triple Stroller

Our Pick

We are torn between the UppaBaby Vista and the Joovy Caboose, but for the sake of crowning the best one that checks most of the boxes – the winner is the Joovy Big Caboose.