3 Wheel vs 4 Wheel Stroller – What’s The Difference?

3 Wheel vs 4 Wheel Stroller. If you want to know what the difference is, then read on.

What’s better?

3 Wheel vs 4 Wheel StrollerOne of the most frequently asked questions by new parents concerning strollers is – which is better, a 3-wheel or 4-wheel stroller?

While there is no straightforward answer to this question, there are several ways to address the issue, which is by taking a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of both types of strollers.

As with most decisions that you have to make while shopping, your lifestyle is often a good place to start.

No matter how much you like a product, you always have to answer the question of whether it is a perfect fit for your lifestyle or not.

Answering this question makes it a lot easier and brings you a step closer to making the best purchase

For many parents, the thought of digging through layers of brands, styles, specifications, and types can be overwhelming.

The way out for many is to focus on one or two key features and then make a decision based on them.

Regardless of whichever you decide to purchase, be it a 3-wheeler or a 4-wheeler, you will want to have some or all the following qualities:

  • All-terrain usability
  • Build quality
  • Easy fold
  • Smooth and comfortable riding
  • Stylish or aesthetically pleasing
  • Easy fabric maintenance

In reality, finding a stroller with all these features combined might not be as easy as it looks, or when you find one with these qualities, they turn out to be way beyond your reach (budget).

You can definitely find many with some with a combination of some of the features listed above.

So it all boils down to which of the strollers will have the features that you mostly need.

For instance, 3-wheel strollers are best suited for all-terrains due to their large wheels which usually are air-filled and have a suspension system.

On the other hand, 4-wheel strollers are best suited for less bumpy terrain or smooth surfaces like the sidewalk pavement, or mall-terrains.

For the sake of parents stuck between a 3-wheel and 4-wheel stroller, we have put together comprehensive pros and cons of both categories touching on the features that make one better than the other.

3 Wheel Pros & Cons


All-terrain maneuverability

3-wheel strollers are generally regarded as all-terrains strollers because of their wheels design and ability to offer a great level of maneuverability on any type of floor surface.

For many new parents, this is a good enough reason to purchase a 3-wheel stroller.

You definitely do not want a stroller that will be difficult to push on bumpy or sandy terrain, this is where 3-wheel strollers are great.

The wheels are on 3-wheel stroller are usually air-filled and offer better suspension than those on 4-wheels.

Great for exercise

3-wheel strollers are usually referred to as jogging strollers because they do make fantastic exercise equipment.

It actually does make a lot of sense that you can exercise while pushing your little one on the stroller.

Jogging strollers offer very smooth rides for both you and your little one as well.

Many come with lockable swivel wheels that allow you to switch between jogging mode and everyday use.


The majority of new mom’s want a stroller that not only performs impressively but also one that looks great.

Some moms want to step out in style and not look like the stereotype “mom”.

If you would like a stroller that is attractive and sporty, then go for a 3-wheel stroller.


They are bulky

One huge complaint that most 3-wheel stroller users make is the weight and bulkiness of it.

They are not the best when it comes folding and getting them into the trunk of your car.

The wheels are larger and can be a little stressful or should we say “awkward” to work with.


If you have begun shopping you may have noticed the price difference between 3-wheelers and 4-wheelers.

3-wheeler are usually more expensive than their 4-wheel counterparts.

There are affordable ones, but if you are big on running, you might need to be prepared to invest a little more.

Examples of 3-wheel strollers

BOB Revolution Flex Jogging Stroller

Thule Urban Glide – Jogging Stroller

Baby Jogger 2016 City Mini 3W Single Stroller


4-wheel stroller



When it comes to pricing, 4-wheel strollers have the most options for every price category.

You can basically get a 4-wheel stroller for any budget and that is one of the reasons that they are so popular.

While they are generally affordable, many do not compromise quality for affordability.

There are quite a number of brands that offer fantastic 4-wheelers at very affordable prices.

If you are on a tight budget, 4-wheel strollers might be your best option for a stroller.

Easier to fold

One of the things that moms are particular about is how easy the stroller folds and stores in the trunk of their cars without taking all the space.

4-wheeled strollers tend to fold up into smaller sizes than 3-wheelers.

Some actually fold into extremely small sizes that they can fit into a backpack, a good example is the Pockit stroller.

Better stability

The debate is on as to which type of stroller has better stability, but the general perception is that 4-wheel strollers are better in that regard.

The weight on 4-wheel strollers are evenly distributed across 4-wheels, therefore the chances of the stroller tipping are slimmer.

4-wheels offer a great level of assurance, so you don’t really have to worry about stability.

Variety of options

As mentioned earlier, 4-wheel strollers have more options to choose from, from budget to luxury and multiple seat options.

One thing is certain, you are definitely going to find one that meets your needs.



Not versatile

The biggest downside of 4-wheel strollers is that they are not as versatile as 3-wheel strollers/jogging strollers.

They are just not designed to be suitable for all kinds of terrains.

It can be frustrating for you and your child pushing a 4-wheel stroller on a bumpy surface.

If you think that you will at different times find your self pushing a stroller on different surfaces, then purchase a 3-wheel stroller.

4-wheel strollers are not designed for running, so that is another huge turn-off for parents who plan to take their strollers for morning runs.


Examples of 4-wheel strollers

Baby Jogger City Tour Stroller

UPPAbaby G-LUXE Stroller

Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller