Best Bassinet Stroller 2019 – Comparison & Guide

Are you looking for the best bassinet stroller?

As you may have already discovered, there are so many options when it comes to strollers.

You have strollers suited for a variety of situations, and sometimes you end with more than one just so that you can take advantage of the convenience they offer.

There are strollers for jogging, strollers for twins and triplets, convertible strollers that can serve more than can adapt to several situations, there are travel systems and umbrella strollers.

You are mostly left with two options, you either by a convertible or upgrade stroller, or you buy a second stroller to complement the first.

Whichever choice you make, you are likely better off, as strollers are a necessity.

If you just welcomed a baby into the world, you will definitely need a stroller that is best suited for your newborn, especially if you like to take long walks.

The bassinet stroller is what you are looking for.

What is a Bassinet Stroller?

If you are a new parent and you are not really familiar with all the baby products that you need, this section is for you.

A bassinet is basically a soft bed that you little baby can sleep in right from birth to about 4 months or thereabouts.

Therefore, a bassinet stroller is a stroller that lets you push your baby while you take walks.

They are designed to provide your baby with maximum comfort, taking into consideration their delicate nature at that early stage.

Bassinet strollers have varied weight capacities from brand to brand, but on the average, you can expect a general weight capacity of about 20-25 lbs.

As you may already know, the best position that is suitable for babies is the fully-flat position.

This is why bassinet strollers are very important as you are not likely to give your newborn the comfort that they need using regular stroller seats; it is actually not safe.

The best part is that there are many strollers that are compatible with a bassinet or are convertible. Bassinet strollers also have canopies and other features that other types of strollers have.


What should you consider when buying a bassinet stroller?

When shopping for the best bassinet stroller for your newborn, there are certain things to consider such as comfort for your little one, compatibility, and safety.

Consideration 1: Comfort

You will agree that if the stroller is not comfortable it is completely useless.

A good bassinet stroller should have a canopy that allows ventilation, and a boot cover that helps keep your baby warm.

More importantly, the stroller itself should have an adequate suspension that will keep your baby comfortable by absorbing shock from bumps in the road.

The bassinet should also be fitted with the right type of cushioning for a newborn.

Consideration 2: Compatibility

Compatibility is an important factor when shopping for a stroller.

You want to make sure that whichever stroller you buy is compatible with a bassinet (if you already own one) make sure that you really check to see if the bassinet stroller meets your expectations before buying it.


Because newborn babies are very delicate the bassinet stroller must provide the required flat arrangement, which is best for breathing while your newborn is asleep.

The bassinet should also be well padded to prevent your baby from bumping its head against the side of the stroller (just in case)


Bassinet Stroller Reviews

We have selected and reviewed some of the best bassinet strollers on the market. This guide will help you choose the right bassinet stroller for your family and also educate you on the various features that you can expect to find.


Cynebaby Infant Baby Stroller for Newborn and Toddler

Best Bassinet StrollerThe Cynebaby Infant Baby Stroller for Newborn and Toddler is the ideal convertible stroller if you are thinking long term.

This fantastic and attractive looking stroller will have you thinking that it costs a whole lot more than what’s in the price tag.

You might get a lot of questions about the stroller when you go for a walk with your baby.

The great thing about this stroller is that it converts easily from a bassinet to the upright seat position, allowing you to adjust the stroller as your baby grows into a toddler.

This bassinet stroller has the right safety features to keep your baby safe such as the anti-shock springs in the front wheels that absorb shock on bumpy roads.

It is also fitted with a canopy that can be adjusted to any weather conditions.


  • The stroller looks amazing and very attractive. It is sure to turn heads of passersby
  • It looks sturdy and well made. The fabric feels soft and very comfortable
  • Fantastic convertible design
  • It is relatively affordable, considering it looks like a top if the shelf stroller
  • Anti-shock springs in the front wheels are very thoughtful


  • It is a bulky stroller

Best Bassinet Stroller

Costzon Baby Stroller, 2 In 1 Convertible Carriage Bassinet Stroller

Best Bassinet StrollerWhen it comes to design the Cotzon 2 in 1 Baby Stroller shares some similarity in design to other bassinet strollers.

The great thing is that it is lightweight and not as bulky when folded as some other models, which makes it easier to transport.

This 2 in 1 convertible bassinet stroller is built with a lightweight aluminum frame, contributing to its maneuverability, especially if you live in a busy city.

One features that we found to be very useful is the reversible design which allows your baby to face you.

This feature is relevant because you get to see what your newborn is up to at all times.

The stroller is also fitted with a 5-point harness, which is also an important safety feature.

It is a fantastic bassinet stroller that converts into an upright seat to accommodate your growing child.


  • It is a reversible bassinet stroller
  • Converts easily from a bassinet into an upright seat
  • Its large storage basket is very useful
  • It is very affordable


  • Some of the plastic parts are not very durable

Best Bassinet Stroller


Hot Mom Baby Carriage with Bassinet

Best Bassinet StrollerIf you are looking for a stylish bassinet stroller that is equally comfortable and easy to use, the Hot Mom Baby Carriage with Bassinet is one to check out.

It has a very unique frame design that stands it out from other models, it is really not hard to miss or notice.

When it comes to comfort this stroller offers a great deal of it.

It is most suitable for your newborn of 0-6 months and also for your toddler.

You can convert the seat as well as recline it into 3 positions.

The egg-shaped stroller gives your baby a sense of coziness.

One of the best highlights of this stroller is the fact that it is extremely compact and narrow, so you never have to worry about fitting through doorways and hallways, or the aisles at shopping malls.

This stroller makes a fantastic value purchase if you are not put off by the price tag.


  • It has a unique egg shape and frame design that offers comfort
  • Narrow frame is great for easy access through any doors ways
  • One click folding button makes it easy to fold it up and unfold it
  • Swivels front wheels for great maneuverability
  • The stroller looks very attractive


  • It may not suit those with a small budget

Best Bassinet Stroller

Baby Jogger City Select Single Stroller

Best Bassinet StrollerThe Baby Jogger City Select is arguably one of the most adaptive strollers with a bassinet option on the market.

Buying an upgradeable stroller is always a great choice because they adapt to your needs as your family grows.

If you have two little ones with a close age gap, you can simply attach a second seat and voila! You have a double stroller.

If you are a new parent, the City Select makes a great choice because this stroller converts into a nice bassinet stroller.

The stroller kit uses both the canopy and seat to form an extremely comfortable bassinet, it also has a well-cushioned handle.

Another great thing about the City Select is that you can lock the front wheels for a straight movement on long strolls or you can allow the wheels swivel if you are walking in a busy environment.


  • The front wheel lock or swivel options provide great maneuverability
  • It feels quite sturdy and well made
  • Large canopy is great in bassinet mode or seat mode
  • Provides comfortable rides for your newborn


  • The stroller is quite heavy
  • A separate seat needs to be purchased for use as a bassinet stroller

Best Bassinet Stroller


Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System

Best Bassinet StrollerThe Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System is a fantastic and extremely practical stroller that offers a multi-position frame that can be used in 6 different modes.

The beauty of this stroller is how it easily converts to a bassinet for your newborn.

While some models require that you purchase a bassinet separately, this stroller has also ready been optimized for that purpose.

The carriage mode provides plenty of cover for your newborn on cold days.

This stroller is feature packed with several bits and fittings contributing to the overall performance of the stroller and the comfort that it will give both you and your little one.

The frame of the stroller feels sturdy and properly constructed.


  • It is lightweight, making it a good travel bassinet stroller
  • Offers multiple seat positions
  • Fitted with a large storage basket
  • Great value


  • The swivel front wheels are not the best for maneuverability

Best Bassinet Stroller


Our Pick

Our favorite bassinet stroller is the Costzon Baby Stroller, 2 In 1 Convertible Carriage Bassinet Stroller, because it checks all the boxes. It is a great bassinet stroller that offers great comfort for your newborn.