Best Umbrella Stroller 2019 – Comparison & Guide

Chances are that If you are reading this you have probably come to the point where you are overwhelmed by the variety of strollers there are and choosing the right one is difficult.

If you have previously purchased a stroller, you may have come to the realization that a second lightweight stroller will be handy.

This is why you need an umbrella stroller.

What is an Umbrella Stroller?

You might be wondering why they are called umbrella strollers, well, that’s because they fold just like a typical umbrella, and they can be easily carried about.

Think lightweight and compact, those are keywords that will drive you to purchase an umbrella stroller.

They usually weigh anything below 20 pounds and they usually fold vertically.

These narrow profile strollers are fantastic when it comes to navigating store aisles and busy sidewalks, they also make a great travel stroller.

Umbrella strollers do not usually come with all the bells and whistles and features that you will find in a travel system, such as a bassinet or a large capacity storage basket.

You will come across several modes with reclining seats, some models fold into even a more compact square shape.

Another thing to note is umbrella strollers aren’t typically designed for newborns or little ones below 4 months of age.

What To Look For In An Umbrella Stroller

When you are shopping for the best umbrella stroller that perfectly suits your family’s needs, it is very important to consider what specifically needs it will be used to address.

Consideration 1: Cost

If you need something that you can go on trips with, then you might want to consider a small and affordable one. This is because you are not going to be using it quite often, so there is no point investing in an expensive model.

If you are looking for a replacement stroller that you intend to use quite often, then you should consider a sturdier model with storage space where you can keep all the extra stuff that you have with you.

Consideration 2: Age

Umbrella strollers are not suited for newborns so ensure that you check the age requirements before buying it.

Umbrella Stroller Reviews

In this article, we have put together a solid five umbrella strollers for everyone’s needs, highlighting their features as well as their pros and cons in order for you to purchase the right one.


Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

Best Overall

Best Umbrella StrollerThis stroller is the most popular stroller on this list with over 3000 reviews on Amazon, with a mid-range price and an uncompromising performance, it is quite clear why it is popular.

We consider the Summer Infant 3D Lite a stroller built for convenience just as implied by the manufacturers.

What you get is a sturdy stroller that comes with reclining seats, making it suitable for children weighing up to 50 pounds.

You also get an adjustable canopy that keeps your little one safe from the suns rays and a decent storage space that can store essentials like diapers, blankets and a whole lot more.

The Summer Infant 3D lite is offered in several colors, so if you are the picky type, there is one for you.


  • It is affordable
  • It folds up quite easily in a nice compact size
  • It is lightweight
  • Reclining seats
  • Durable wheels
  • Great value for its price


  • The cup holder won’t hold a water bottle

Best Umbrella Stroller


UPPAbaby G-LUXE Stroller

(Best for every day) 

Best Umbrella StrollerIf you are looking to swap your bulkier stroller for a much lighter one, the UPPAbaby G-LUXE might just be your best option.

It is not as affordability as the Summer Infant 3D light, but if you are willing to look past its heavy price tag, you will be making a good choice.

The G-LUXE comes with a lot of practical features that will serve the purpose of an everyday stroller reliably.

This stroller can be reclined in three positions and is designed to cater to babies from 3 months weighing up to 55 pounds. One feature that you might find impressive is its large canopy with UPF-50 protection which does a fantastic job of blocking out UVA and UVB rays. The stroller folds in a neat and compact fashion, employing a hand fold instead of the more popular foot fold system.

One more thing, the fabric covering of the stroller can be removed for washing.


  • Feels sturdy
  • Looks fantastic well made
  • Extra large canopy with UV protection
  • A premium quality fabric covering
  • It can stand on its own


  • It may not suit all budgets.

Best Umbrella Stroller

GB Pockit Stroller

Best stroller for travelling

Best Umbrella StrollerWhen it comes to travel strollers, this might be the one actually fits the description of a travel stroller in every sense of the word.

The Pockit Stroller is an innovative stroller that folds into an extremely small size that can fit into your purse!

Yes, you read that correctly.

It is actually the world’s smallest folding stroller that collapses into 11.8” x 7” x 23.8”.

You do not have to worry about the strength of this stroller, as it is tested and capable of holding a child from 6 months weighing up to 55 pounds.

The overall weight of the stroller is about 10 pounds, with a reasonably roomy basket.

You also get a 5-point harness and swivel lock wheels.

Safety is not compromised.

If you are a frequent flyer, you might want to consider the Pockit stroller as your top choice.


  • Folds into a very small size
  • Good safety features
  • It is lightweight
  • Reasonably priced
  • Adequate shade


  • It does not come with a large canopy

Best Umbrella Stroller



Summer Infant 3Dflip Convenience Stroller

Best Reversable Umbrella Stroller

Best Umbrella StrollerIf you are looking for an umbrella stroller that lets you look at your little one while pushing them in their strollers, the Summer Infant 3Dflip makes a great choice.

Most umbrella strollers usually face away from the parent with their large canopies preventing you from keeping an eye on your little one.

Regular umbrella strollers usually prevent you from knowing when your baby needs to be attended to or when they fall asleep or need to be adjusted for better comfort.

The reversible or flip design of this stroller makes it all possible to feed your baby’s curiosity by facing away or facing you.

The 3Dflip is relatively lightweight, and it folds into a compact size making it easy to transport.

Another standout feature is that it can be reclined to six positions, giving your baby great comfort.

The canopy has a window that allows you to peek and watch your baby.


  • Reversible design
  • Large canopy with window
  • Very comfortable and convenient
  • Sturdy build
  • Reclines to 6 positions


  • It is bulkier than typical strollers

Best Umbrella Stroller


JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

Best Double Umbrella Stroller

Best Umbrella StrollerParents with twins are not left out from our selection of the best umbrella strollers.

A double umbrella stroller is very important, considering they’re lightweight and ways of folding and transporting them.

The great thing about double strollers is that even if you have just one child, you can convert the other seat into a storage space.

The fabric covering is water resistant, making cleaning the strollers less stressful.

The Groove has a good number of pockets for storing phones and other valuables, and cup holders.

Another fantastic feature is the independently reclining seats, which allow you to attend to your babies based on their specific needs.

The JOOVY Twin Groove Ultralight stroller is the ideal double umbrella stroller that offers comfort for your babies and convenience for you.

We like the inclusion of safety reflectors, which come handy when you are going out at night.

It has a weight limit of 50 pounds for each seat.



  • Water resistant fabric
  • Comfortable stroller
  • Independent reclining seats
  • Reflectors
  • Easy to set up and fold down


  • The wheels are not the best

Best Umbrella Stroller